Hi! This week in literacy we have been doing information reports I did mine on Rafflaele Esposito the person who made pizza! What's your favourite pizza topping?
All About Rafflaele Esposito
The world eats 1.26 million slices of pizza an hour and 30 million slices in just one day! How many of those are yours?
Do you know who invented pizza? Or how? why?
Well, today I'll be telling you about pizza And the person who made pizza.
First, I have to tell you who made pizza his name is Rafflaele Esposito the day he made the pizza was to honour the Queen Mary Herita on the 11th of June 1889,
The first pizza He made had tomatoes mozzarella and basil to represent the flag of Italy's colours, But some believe the if street vendors really did sell pizza many years before the first pizza topping would be oil and herbs
Now some people believe the world is flat and some think its a circle its kinda the same way with pizza
Some people believe that many years before that street vendors sold flatbread with toppings on it
And some believe that Rafflaele Esposito Made the First Pizza
back to Rafflaele Esposito, He was born on 14th March 1878 in Caserta Italy, he passed away on 29th March 1936 in Chicago USA at age 72
Now that I've told you a bit about Rafflaele Esposito, it's time to tell you about pizza. More than 6000 US adults favourite pizza Topping is Pepperoni and in 2nd Place is mushroom's then in 3rd there's cheese 4th is sausage and 5th is Onion
So Pizza has been around for a while and now we are in the 20th century and I'm pretty sure most people love pizza. Some may not like pineapple or tomatoes on their own pizza, some don't even like anything on theirs. Personally, I don't mind pineapple on pizza. What about you? What's your favourite topping on pizza?